Saturday, March 16, 2024

Why is the US having to airdrop humanitarian aid to Gaza?

Is the US unable to obtain permission from Israel to drive trucks overland and deliver aid in volumes a hundredfold more than can be crammed into C-130 cargo planes?

That is absurd. The US is the biggest funder of Israel’s aggression. Without US military financial aid, weapons and tactical intelligence, Israel couldn’t carpet-bomb, occupy and hold any significant portion of the Gaza Strip.

Right now, thanks to its scorched-earth policy of bombing anything that stands and shooting anything that moves, the Israeli “Defense” Forces (IDF) have total, absolute and complete unchallenged domination on the ground.
That includes every place where aid convoys have to pass to bring food, water and medicine to near-death-starving Palestinians—orphaned survivors of the 31,000 Palestinians that Israel has systematically slaughtered since October.
So why resort to airdropping?
All the US has to do is drive right through any part of Gaza they want and deliver aid to Palestinians anytime they want.
Who’s going to stop the US? Israel?
Will Israeli soldiers mow down American troops delivering aid and comfort to the neighbors, relatives and certainly countrymen of Hamas?
Of course not. Israeli forces would work harder than dogs to make sure that NOT ONE American soldier dies ANYWHERE in Gaza, the West Bank, or the whole of Israel, for that matter.
The day ONE American soldier is shipped home from Israel in a flag-draped sealed casket, victim of the war in Gaza in ANY context, is the day US popular opinion somersaults 160-degrees AGAINST Israel. Especially if the dead soldier coming home is a white boy.
Don’t call me racist—I’m describing America, not myself. Three soldiers died in a suspected Houthi drone attack of a US military camp in Jordan, and all three were black. That happened just a month ago. Correct me if I’m wrong, but US media ain’t talking about them black grunts today anymore, are they?
But they will if one white G.I. boy dies in Gaza, especially if he died a hero—like while delivering humanitarian aid.
In other words, if the US is sincere about alleviating the hellish humanitarian crisis happening in Gaza right now, the best thing it can do is send troops into Gaza to deliver aid.
Actually, that is the SECOND best thing it can do. The FIRST best thing is for the US-Biden administration to simply tell Israel to stop the war in Gaza—regardless what caused it, who started it or who’s winning it.
If it can’t tell Israel to stop, then it can still achieve the SAME result by sending US troops—that Israel will be obliged to protect if it wants to keep those 38 BILLION DOLLARS flowing into Israel’s coffers. The minute there are American "boots on the ground" in Gaza, all Israeli bombings will stop pronto.
Therefore, the fact that the US is resorting to a totally unnecessary method of aid delivery—airdropping—indicates that aid delivery is NOT really the objective.
The ploy is just being used because of its HIGH DRAMATIC VALUE. Television footages of aid pellets floating down into Gaza under billowing star-spangled parachutes makes for a sensational evening cable news headline.
It “shows” America in action in a visual manner that news texts fail to capture. It projects Joe Biden as a pained and tortured humanitarian world leader ostensibly doing his level best to “save Palestinian lives”—the better to counter the analytical reality that his administration is complicit in the genocide of 31,000 Palestinian Arabs.
Joe Biden’s administration, in its duplicitous posture of calling for a ceasefire in Gaza AND THEN VETOING all UN Security Council resolutions for the same thing, has blood on its hands, no question about it.
So this useless airdropping of aid—which are literally a drop in the ocean, magnitude-wise, of what Gazans need to survive, is nothing but so much political theater. It is addressed to American voters who are contemplating their choice of between the devil and the deep blue sea this coming November.
Joe Biden already has the support of the powerful Jewish-American lobby--which he gained by backstopping all of Benjamin Netanyahu's whimsical genocide war plans. Now it's time to woo the Arab-Palestinian-American demographic, the OTHER Semitic races, too.
Donald Trump may be as fake as styrofoam snow but Joe Biden is showing everyone a thing or two himself on how to be a world-class hypocrite and still manage to look heroic doing it.*

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